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We pay a special attention to the optimization of the production and service systems supported by data.


The goals of these services are:


Optimizing the output parameters by equipping the production systems with data generation points (sensors) of the right quality and quantity

By collecting and analyzing the right amount of dat we reduce the risk of failure.

By collecting and analyzing an adequate amount of data, we make it possible to analyze suboptimal operations and make a proposal to improve the efficiency of the system


We are able to achieve all three goals both in the case of greenfield investments and, subsequently, in the case of already functioning systems.

In the case of greenfield investments, we provide the following services:

Preparation of the data generation/data management strategy and plan - preparation of the sensory plan for data generation - implementation of the sensory system - organization and analysis of data - creation of dashboard systems - data structuring for company management systems - software simulation of production, product development and business processes - visualization of the effects of complex input parameters


In the case of greenfield investments, we get involved in the factory planning phase as early as possible in order to ensure that the data generation aspects arise and applied in due time during the plant planning.

We have experience in the field of data analysis of pharmaceutical production processes, as well as in the field of optimizing these processes to improve the output performance.


For existing plants, we provide the following services:

Revision of the data generation system of manufacturing plants - data cleaning - revealing data gaps, data structuring - planning and implementation of sensor systems - data analysis - problem solving - creation of dashboard systems - software simulation of production processes - visualization of the effects of complex input parameters

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